¡Sin metas!

En Dialogotomía, se ha iniciado un diálogo muy interesante a partir de un post recomendado de Leo Babauta: "The best goal is no goal"

Transcribo una parte que describe algo que ya he incorporado en algunas facetas de mi vida:

"What does a life without goals look like?
What do you do, then? Lay around on the couch all day, sleeping and watching TV and eating Ho-Hos? No, you simply do. You find something you’re passionate about, and do it. Just because you don’t have goals doesn’t mean you do nothing — you can create, you can produce, you can follow your passion. And in practice, this is a wonderful thing: you wake up and do what you’re passionate about.
There’s no limit, because I’m free. In the end, I usually end up achieving more than if I had goals, because I’m always doing something I’m excited about. But whether I achieve or not isn’t the point at all: all that matters is that I’m doing what I love, always. I end up in places that are wonderful, surprising, great. I just didn’t know I would get there when I started.

In the end, I usually end up achieving more than if I had goals, because I’m always doing something I’m excited about. But whether I achieve or not isn’t the point at all: all that matters is that I’m doing what I love, always. 

I end up in places that are wonderful, surprising, great. I just didn’t know I would get there when I started."

¡Me voy a Dialogotomía a compartir mis dudas!


ha dit…
¡Eso es!

Haces por el placer de hacer en ese momento presente, no por el objetivo futuro.

¡Sí! :)

Esa misma actitud se vuelve imprescindible en la meditación...

Mushotoku dicen en Japón